You loved to ride down Williamsburg drive
When the cherry blossoms burst into bloom
You'd plant some pansies, open windows up wide
To welcome spring's breath into our rooms
And I'll see you again as crocus and hyacinth flower
When the fragrance of spring awakens and sings
That's when I'll see you again
We'd sup outside as the sun settled low
As the heat of the day found a lull
Catching fireflies as evening came on
Hearts at ease, bellies so full
I'll see you again when the honeysuckle scents the air
When the summer stars shimmer and spin
That's when I'll see you again
I remember us raking leaves down to the street
We'd roll and jump in the piles
As evening came on you'd set them aflame
How sweet the smell of those fires
I'll see you again when autumn leaves color and fall
When the hills are ablaze and the frost comes to call
That's when I'll see you again
Winter was just at its end
A mild and unusual season
You were ebbing away, your energy spent
You left us as nighttime came on
I'll see you again when the first snow quiets the dawn
When the wind is chill but the fire is warm
That's when I'll see you again