Astronomers tell us that the light we see from the North Star
Has traveled for centuries to reach our world
We see Polaris as it was when the Pilgrims landed
Neither of us knowing what time has since unfurled
And the light goes on
Breaks through the darkness and goes on
The light goes on
A hundred thousand light years is the span of our Milky Way
Hundreds of billions of stars spiraling together in space
From where I stand, it looks like a sash of palest silver
Girding the summer night in gossamer lace
And the light goes on
Breaks through the darkness and goes on
The light goes on
Tonight in the backyard, a galaxy of fireflies
Beacons of yellow green signaling for their mates
This one shines four furtive flashes, this a single arc
There's music in the silence as the heavens contemplate
How the light goes on
Breaks through the darkness and goes on
How the light goes on