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Original Music from Brian Dyer Stewart #29

Dear family, friends, and fellow travelers,

The summer constellations carry us through the short nights as the Solstice approaches, the night lit by fireflies and the fine mist of the Milky Way.  The song this cycle is Constellations, which I wrote last year on Father's Day, missing the physical presence of family during the pandemic.  Every family is its own unique constellation with stars in apparent fixed positions but really spread out in their beauty and differences, moving at such speed, yet still holding a profoud shape in the heart's sky.  I recorded it that day as a draft, but it's grown on me as is and I offer it in that first blush. I hope you enjoy.

Here's a playlist of all the songs from the newsletters.

In these times of no live performances, I'm sending you a bi-weekly offering from original music I've been writing over many years, including a new round of songs that has sprung from the recent stay-at-home time. I've been so bold as to add your email to my newsletter list.  You can unsubscribe at any time (link at the bottom of the email).

Many songs are recorded solo, some are from different musical twinings from over the years - all are original tunes, with some occasional collaborations.

My best to each,


Listen to Constellations