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Original Music from Brian Dyer Stewart #40

Dear family, friends, and fellow travelers,

    I'm sending out a second newsletter this month.  The song this cycle is No Hate, written this last week as the situation in Ukraine deteriorates and war continues to advance.  Crisis is, of course, both danger and opportunity.  As we face one crisis after another - climate change, the pandemic, war - there are moments of clarity when it is just so obvious that our only way forward is to take care of each other and see no stranger.  Difficult work, for sure, with such vast inequalities and prejudices to overcome, differences to open to - but what else can we do?

   I had a lot of help with the vocals this time from friends near and far.  Thanks to Pammy, Denny and Martha, Alahna and Jessie.

    My hope continues to be in each of us, how we care for each other, make community and extend beyond it. 

    Here's a playlist of all the songs from the newsletters.

I'm sending you a monthly offering from original music I've been writing over many years. I've been so bold as to add your email to my newsletter list.  You can unsubscribe at any time (link at the bottom of the email).

Many songs are recorded solo, some are from different musical twinings from over the years - all are original tunes, with some occasional collaborations.

My best to each,


Listen to No Hate