I'll hold you close, all through the night
Wrapped within the darkness, safe beneath the stars
So much we've lost, driven to flight
So much is hidden in sorrow's deepest scars
Tell me again the names of your kin
Your sisters and your brothers, their daughters and their sons
Each one a flame, a prayer we will send
A song we must sing out louder than the guns
So far from home
So far from our people, from our land
So far away
I fear the morn, its restless tide
May tear us from each other, steal the solace we have known
Onward again, no place to hide
How will we remember the mercies we've been shown
So far from home
So far from our people, from our land
So far away
I'll hold you close, all through the night
Wrapped within the darkness, safe beneath the stars
Here in your arms, a moment's respite
Wrapped within the darkness, safe beneath the stars