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Music from Brian Dyer Stewart

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Original Music from Brian Dyer Stewart #10

Pammy's and my 40th anniversary is later this month and I wanted to share L-O-V-E, written to celebrate our 20th in 2000.  As we close in on winter and face such turbulent times, it does my heart good to feel the basic, profound joy of love and family.  I may turn to a weekly offering of love songs through the holidays to help reach the Solstice with a full heart.  Joyful Trio recorded this with Kenny Pierce on guitar and Leonore Hildebandt on percussion and vocals.  Kenny does some really wonderful guitar work throughout, but especially catch the solos.

Original Music from Brian Dyer Stewart #8

The song this cycle is Be Now the Voiceco-written with Catie Curtis in 2018 at her song writer's retreat in Maine.  In such perilous times we need each other more than ever and 'tis no easy task to find our compassion and heart, though they are the light we need to go on.  This song encourages me - I hope it works for you as well. Leonore Hildebrandt and I recorded it in 2019, with Leonore on vocals and percussion.  

Original music from Brian Dyer Stewart - #2

The song this cycle is Late July, recently written and recorded a couple of days ago. I perennially notice the Solstices, the lengthening and shortening of the days, the brief moment of stasis.  I often get somewhat nostalgic as summer peaks and the days begin to shorten again.  Here in Downeast Maine, I think of the peak being now, in late July.  Recorded solo with guitar and vocal and a little added keys.


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