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Music from Brian Dyer Stewart

BDSWorks newsletter categories.

Original Music from Brian Dyer Stewart #30

Dear family, friends, and fellow travelers,

    It's been just a year since I started these bi-weekly music offerings.  The pandemic keeps changing, things are slowly opening, and we're re-learning our connections, making new ones.  My intent is to keep on with the bi-weekly publication of a new song.  I've heard from a great many folks over the year and it's helped me remember and cherish these connections and renew some friendships, deepen others.

Original Music from Brian Dyer Stewart #28

Dear family, friends, and fellow travelers,

Here in Downeast Maine the season has finally turned toward summer, warmer days and nights bringing a surge of life.  Sunrise is before 5 AM and a little after four, as night dissolves, bird song rises near and far.  The song this cycle is So Much Can Be Observed, which I wrote last year at this time joining in as one of those voices.  I hope you enjoy.

Here's a playlist of all the songs from the newsletters.

Original Music from Brian Dyer Stewart #25

The song this cycle is Alone, written last summer at Catie Curtis' songwriters' retreat.  Our prompt was to take one of several poems and put it to music.  I chose Maya Angelou's Alone and worked out the music.  The recording was a draft made that morning with guitar and vocal and a piano side.  The lyric seems so apt for this time when we need each other more than ever and yet are so isolated by the pandemic and our social divisions.

Original Music from Brian Dyer Stewart #23

The song this cycle is One of These Days, co-written last June with May Lily Lee, a musician and videographer in Virginia.  It has been a year when the deep, festering wounds of racism and inequality have been too painful and raw to turn away from, though such turning is the long habit of White culture.  The eruption of anger, rage, solidarity, sorrow, suffering has so many voices they knock on the doors of our hearts and demand an audience with our nation, a reckoning and commitment to change.

Original Music from Brian Dyer Stewart #22

My mom died a year ago on March 10th, 2020 just as the pandemic shut things down.  We were fortunate to be able to be with her in her last weeks and days - memories and music were such a part of those visits.  I've been thinking quite a lot lately of how our ancestors are here with us, how we are the growing point of all who came before us.  I wrote  I'll See You Again this week and recorded it yesterday.  May all of those we have loved and lost stay near to us.


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